
您所在的位置:网站首页 HR 英文晋升邮件 HR常用的招聘邮件模板


2023-08-11 03:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 1. 寻找候选人的邮件2. 员工推荐3. 邀请候选人4. 电话面试5. 现场面试6. 第二轮面试7. 测试邮件8. 拒绝邮件9. 工作offer10. 入职邮件11. 欢迎新员工邮件





英文版:My name is [X] and I’m helping the CTO here at [Company] to find someone to join our Back-end developer team. The latest debugging feature you published in Github particularly drew our attention. We are currently working on a similar project for our application and we think your experience would be a strong addition to our team.




英文版:I am [your name], a recruiter at [Company]. We met around 2 months ago when you applied for the web designer position. I remember you were looking for a new apartment at that time. How did the house hunt go?Although we decided to move on with a more experienced candidate, our team was really impressed with both your design skills and your positive attitude during the interview process. We now have a new opening for a junior web designer, that is closer for for your profile. I’d really like to give you some more details about the role, if you’re interested.

中文版:你好,我是xxx,xx公司的 HR,大约在2个月前,您申请过我们公司的xx职位,我们也见过一面,我记得当时你在找一个新住处,不知最近情况如何呢?虽然当时公司决定雇佣了一位经验更加丰富的候选人,但是对您的印象也十分深刻。公司目前在招聘xx职位,和您的简历也比较吻合,如果你对该岗位感兴趣,我十分乐意给您提供更多相关信息。

英文版:We are currently looking to hire a Marketing specialist and [Employee_name] mentioned that you might be a good fit.From what I have seen in your LinkedIn profile, you have an impressive background in paid campaigns and you’ve done some interesting things organizing promotional events, which is our priority for this new role.Here, at [Company], we’re always looking for more great people like [Employee_name], so we’d like to get to know you.

中文版:目前我们公司正在招聘xxx岗位, xxx提到你可能是一个很不错的候选人,我也在xxx中看到你的简历,您不仅有相关的工作经验,工作也十分突出。公司也在寻找像您这样的人,我们十分希望能和您进行更深入的沟通了解,也十分希望收到您的回复。



英文版:We are excited to announce that we are currently looking for a Technical writer to join [Hiring_Manager_name’s] team! If you know someone who understands end-user requirements and has experience in software documentation, feel free to let us know by simply replying to this email.

中文版:HI! 大家好,最近公司的HR 部门正在寻找 xxx 岗位的优秀候选人。该工作岗位需要了解客户的需求,并且有撰写软文的工作技能和经验。如果大家有推荐的候选人可以回复这封邮件~





英文版:Thank you for applying to [Company].We would like to have a phone discussion about your application for the [Job_title] role. I’d like to tell you more about [Company] and get to know you a bit better.

中文版:非常感谢您对公司 xxx 职位的申请。关于xxx 工作职位,我们想要和您有进一步的沟通,我们想要告诉您一些关于公司的具体的信息,也希望你能够对于这一职位更加了解。



英文版:Your application for the [Job_title] position stood out to us and we would like to invite you for an interview at our office[s] to get to know you a bit better.You will meet with the Marketing department manager, [Manager’ name]. The interview will last about [X] minutes and you’ll have the chance to discuss the [Job_title] position and learn more about our company.Please note that the security guard will ask to see your ID to let you enter the building.

中文版:你好,对于公司某岗位的招聘中,您的简历十分突出,公司想要和您进行下一步的面试。接下来的面试中,您将会见到 xxx,面试时间大约会持续x 时间,我们将会在下一步的面试环节中与您讨论一下该岗位相关的信息。面试时,请携带好您的证件,保安会根据您出示的证件让您进入办公大楼。



英文版:Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [Job_title] position with us. We’d like to invite you for a second interview at our office[s]. You will meet with [Manager’s name], head of the IT department, to discuss your written assignment and delve deeper into job duties.

中文版:很高兴您通过了我们的第一轮面试环节,我们想邀请你进行第二次面试。这次您将会见到技术部门的负责人 xxx,我们将深入的与您讨论公司的xxx岗位,也十分期待收到您的回复。



英文版:Thank you for taking the time to speak to us on the phone. We would like to invite you to complete an assignment for the next round of our interview process. Please find the assignment attached. Its objective is to gauge your skills, give us an idea of how you approach tasks relevant to the job and provide us with some talking points. We would appreciate it if you could return your completed assignment to us [by X date/ in Y time frame].

中文版:十分感谢您能够在百忙中抽出时间与我们进行了电话面试,在下一轮面试之前,我们想邀请您进行网上测试。请点击邮件的链接进入测试环节,该测试时为了测试您的工作技能和工作的处理方法,请在xxx 之前完成测试,十分感谢您的配合!



英文版:Although we are now focusing on hiring more senior [Job_title], we’ll be more than happy to get in touch with you again for a future job opening.



工作offer 邮件应该通知到候选人您想录用他们,并且应该包含工作的具体信息,以帮助他们更好的进行决策。

英文版:We have been impressed with your background and would like to formally offer you the position of [Job_title]. This is a [full/part] time position [mention working days and hours] with an annual salary of [X]. You will be reporting to the head of the [Department_name] department. Your expected starting date is [date.]

中文版:你在本公司的面试中表现十分突出,您的工作技能和经验和我们的工作要求也十分的吻合,公司认为您确实是公司 xxx 岗位的合适人选,这份工作的年薪将会是xxx,工作入职时间大约为 xxx,该工作岗位属于 xxx 部门,您将会和xxx 一起共事,十分希望你能够接受我们的工作offer.



英文版:We are all really excited to welcome you to our team! As agreed, your start date is [date.] We expect you to be at our office by [time] and our dress code is [casual/ business casual.]We’ve organized your first days to help you settle in properly. You can find more details in the attached agenda.

中文版:十分欢迎加入我们团队!按照我们商量的,入职时间是 xxx,希望您能够按时的到达公司,来的时候最好穿正装/便装。工作的第一天,我们将帮助你完成入职培训,更多相关的信息可以查看附件的入职流程文件。


在新员工到来之前,HR 应该用电子邮件对于新员工进行介绍,保障他们对于新的员工并不陌生,并且积极的欢迎新员工的到来。

英文版:I am very pleased to announce that [Employee’s name] will be joining us as an Android developer on [Start date.] [Employee’s name] will work with our mobile team to help us elevate our applications. Please make sure you give [him/her] a warm welcome and introduce yourselves!

中文版:大家好,最近xxx将作为xxx岗位的新员工入职我们公司,他将和xxx 团队一起共事,为我们公司贡献一份力量,希望大家能够对这位员工表示热烈的欢迎,并且在入职当天能够积极的介绍自己。




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